Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New chapter of life..

Today I celebrated my 19th birthday with my besties!
We had a hearty lunch at Pastamania and then head to Party World KTV for a 4-hour karaoke session. I'm really grateful because despite all the packed schedule my friends still spent their whole afternoon celebrating with me. I realised that,satisfaction is not when I have everything I want,it is when I feel happy with everything I have. I'm really lucky to have them as my brothers n sisters I'd say. They are the group of friends that always bring joys to me.
Wow,I look baack to year 18,a year passed carrying good and happy events,as well as hard times that made me stronger,more independent and more experienced to face the future.
Each year I remembering the experiences that I've got through and what I've learned as a whole year passed in my life.
Now as I am 19 years old ,I've different perspectives and thoughts than a year ago and hopefully more confident with myself.
19th only happens 365days in a lifetime. I left 364 days.
I'll treasure every single moment in my last year that starts with 1 !

Monday, May 30, 2011

Last few words before I bid farewell to 18

Last few words before I bid farewell to 18..
I'm thankful that God give me everything I need in life..
I've a sweet family who is always there for me every time I need them..
I've bunch of friends who are there to help me when I'm in need..
All the while from I was young boy till now,when I'm soon to be 19,I'm always surrounded by loves and cares from people around and God perhaps..
I'm never alone to face the challenges in life..My family is always there to back me up..
Thanks God for everything that You've granted me,talents that You've bestowed to me..
Hopefully by growing 1 year older,I'll learn to be more mature,more prepared to deal with adversities and traumas.
A big thanks to everyone that have walked into my life and left footprints in my heart in this 18 years..
May God bless all of us! :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm really exhausted!
I want more time for myself!
I've been really busy with CCAs..
There is lesser and lesser time for myself..
God,please grant me with more time! I really need them badly..

Once I asked my senior who hold prominent post in one of the CCA club.
I asked him," Don't you prefer more time for yourself instead of dedicating most of your time for the club?"
He answered me," Is there any1 out there who don't want themselves to be free? To have more time for themselves? There is always a price to pay to achieve what you want."

yea..he's true..everyone live with purposes in their life..
There's always a reason for you to do something. There is always a target that drive you forward.
I'm really tired. But it's life. You can't give up easily or you will achieve nothing.
With the target bear in mind, I will move forward.
Hopefully I can achieve my target ..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Inspiring quotes despite my busy life..

1) Never expect things to happen..
struggle and make them happen.
Never expect yourself to be given a
good value .
Create a value of your own .

2) If a drop of water falls in lake
there is no identity.
But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it
shine like a pearl. So
choose the best place where you would

3) Falling down is not defeat…
Defeat is when your refuse to get

4) Ship is always safe at shore… but
is is not built for it.

5) When you’re successful your well
wishers know who
you are, when you are unsuccessful
you know who your well wishers are.

6) It is great confidence in a friend
to tell him your faults;
greater to tell him/her faults too…

7) “To the world you might be one
but to one person you just might be
the world.

8) “Even the word ‘IMPOSSIBLE’
says ‘I’M POSSIBLE’ ” .

9) Effort is important, but knowing
where to make an effort in your
life makes all the difference.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When routine isn't normal..

I've an inactive blogger for almost 2 months..I could still remember last time how I encourage my friend to blog more and now I'm like self-contradicting,slapping my own face!
2months isn't a short period..
What have I done for the past 2 months?
A LOT..Things have changed..people too..
Sometimes I just feel unsure of myself..what do I really want?
Some people says 'No expectation,no disappointment'..I think it is true.
My 2nd year of study has commenced for almost 5 weeks..yea it's the 5th week now..
I think i fond of using the phrase 'how time flies'..HOW TIME FLIES..
It's already the 5th week. The past 5 weeks have been busy and hectic..CCA activities which is to be held come relentlessly..I can no longer go home before sun set.most of the time when I reach home it would be after 7pm..
Is that the life that I want? I'm unsure..
But thanks God I'm not alone..I've friends who always work with me,together we stay in school having meeting,planning for activities till late evening,late night.
It's the sweetest moment seeing the events that you play a part in planning succeed.
When routine isn't normal,with the accompany of friends, the support of family far away from me,I'll persevere..jy! :)