Friday, July 29, 2011

City Hunter

Just finished watching the Korean drama City Hunter..
Despite the beauty and handsome actors , what I've learnt through the drama is not to take revenge. The main story line is about the plan for revenge which Lee Yoon Sung ( Lee Min Ho) and Lee Jin-Pyo had taken towards those who initiated the covert operation towards the 21 special force who were sent to murder the North Korean leaders.
The actions of revenge had bring much pains not only to the targets but the person himself. Blood shed.. loss of loved ones, freedom ..does that really worth what it takes?
Do you feel any better when you finally accomplish the revenge? As what's shown in the drama,Lee Jin Pyo who was the man behind all the revenge plans died. He even shot his own child Lee Yoon Sung . That is the consequence when someone is so blinded with the wrath of hatred.

Lord says,' Do not take revenge,my friends,but leave room for God's wrath. It's mine to avenge,I'll repay. '

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind..
Learn to forgive and it will be a better world!

Monday, July 18, 2011


今晚的天空好黑好黑 一颗星星都没有
全身汗流浃背的我 呼吸还是很急促
有些失去方向感的汗水流入了我细小的眼睛 使我眼睛不禁紧闭了起来 大叹好咸啊!
汗水为什么是咸的呢? 哈哈 回去念幼稚园吧
偶尔一阵凉风吹来 顿时感到心旷神怡
当时的我 傻傻地望着夜空 偶尔扫过树叶 再看看旁边我住的组屋
偶尔有三两个人跑过我身旁 有些则夜间漫步 畅谈今天所发生的琳琳碎碎的事情
我躺在凳子上的当儿 心里什么都没想 课业上的烦恼也不知所踪 所有问题都抛到九霄云外
那时的我虽然什么都没做 什么都没思考 但是我是满足的 我感到很充实
晚上九点钟 车流量没白天繁忙 人们也放下紧张心情 回到家与家人朋友共度时光
躺了约十分钟后 我拖着有点疲累的步伐走回自己的居处
与其成天对着电脑 不是面子书就是电影电视剧 不如花些时间到楼下吹吹大自然的风 做些简单的运动
忙里偷闲松一松 不枉一生勤用功
简单就是幸福 简单就是快乐!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Aku Sangat BERSIH!

With the capital,Kuala Lumpur being locked down..
Opposition leader,Anwar Ibrahim suffering head injuries caused by tear gun canister..
Thousands of protesters being arrested including the leader of BERSIH,Datuk Ambiga..
I can say I'm totally disappointed with the BN government!
The violence shown by the police just showed us how the Najib's government has failed!
BERSIH 2.0 is just a peace rally to fight for a cleaner electoral system. There's no hidden agenda to cause riots or to break the unity among the people. Najib's government can avoid what had just happened today by allowing the BERSIH 2.0 to have a peace rally at Stadium Merdeka.
Afterall the activists had make a compromise by agreeing to call off street rally few days ago.
However the Najib's goverment had a comeback to their words. First they were giving excuses that coincidentally Stadium Merdeka is having renovation ,BERSIH 2.0 is an illegal organisation etc etc etc all kind of nonsense.

And here come the day,where Malaysia's moment of truth arrives.
All the people,of all races come hand-in hand,trying to walk to Stadium Merdeka to show their support. Not only people in Malaysia, in fact Malaysians all around the world like Singapore,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Australia,Argentine,Korea and too many to be named all gathered at certain locations ,wearing yellow shirt ,to show their support!
Despite all the violence that had been shown by the Malaysian Police, the spirit and bravery of Malaysians to fight for a clean electoral system should be commended!
I've been following every single updates from home and I can feel the unity between us.
They are handicaps who showed their support. This formed a wonderful picture of legless people against heartless police.

I love Malaysia,my home country!
Let's stand up and eradicate all the rascals from country ,iron out all the injustice !
Stand up,stand up for Malaysia!