Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

I always make it a point to reward myself a movie after completing a study.
So yesterday I watched 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty', a movie which is directed and starred by Ben Stiller.

It is a positive movie, I would say. It does not have a sharp climax but the plot of the movie goes smoothly, bringing you into the life of Walter Mitty, who always disappears into his own world of day-dreaming, full of heroism, romance and action. It has became his daily routine to fall into his own fantasies, which is unrealistic and unrealizable. 

It came to a turning point when he embarks on a journey to look for a film which was supposed to be published on a magazine cover. He traveled from US to Greenland, Iceland and then up to the Himalayas. 
I am really in love with all the breathtaking scenery that he went to. The tranquil greeneries, mountains and seas, the laid-back life to drink in a neighbourhood bar after a day of work, the relaxing lifestyle that everyone is yearning for. It just instilled my desire to travel, to search for the peace in mind, after all this hectic life I am having in the city state. 

'Stop dreaming, start living', the catchy quote from the movie poster portraits Walter Mitty perfectly. Ever since he started pursuing the extraordinary quest to find the photographer who send him the film, his frequency of day-dreaming dwindles and he finds his life more purposeful.

He managed to find the photographer eventually and got the film published on the magazine cover. 
I like the spirit of Walter Mitty, how he transforms from a dreamer to realist. 
I like the freedom, the freedom of going after what is in the mind.
I like the down-to-earth lifestyle, the countryside, the simplicity.

The song of Space Oddity playing in the ear..

"This is ground control to Major Tom,
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare

This is Major Tom to ground control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in the most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today"

Okay enough of dreaming, back to the daily routine, the life's waiting, start living!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's get it Started

Let me introduce to you one of the Chinese calligraphy website in town.....  

I have always wanted to open a website or maybe just a Facebook page to get my Chinese Calligraphy passion ongoing and finally I decided and signed up under one of the web hosts and registered a domain for myself. 

It is a simple what-you-see-is-what-you-get website which showcases some of the calligraphies that I've written before. I actually created a Facebook page for myself as well,  (Give me more likessss pleaseee =))      )

Everything is still on the starting point and on and off I receive queries from people around. It is quite fascinating to find out that my newborn website actually gets notices and it encourages me to go promoting it.

Chinese Calligraphy is still unpopular as compared to other arts and together with other enthusiasts in town I wish to bring it up and up to the sky! 

Monday, December 31, 2012


Seeing all the posts about this new year's eve and the coming new year make me wanna chip in and write something about my 2012 as well.

Year 2012 has been a meaningful and remarkable year for me. It is the year that I officially enter the family of 20's and also the year where I get to set my foot on different places around Europe.  It is indeed a smooth and memorable year for me without much disappointments that really matter me.

Year 2013 will still be a big question mark and unknown for me. Talking about my new year resolution, what really matters me is my future job as I'm going to enter the job market in 4-5 months time. People always say that the first job is a major milestone in ones life which will determine your future career prospect. So my biggest resolution this coming new year is to enter a good company which allows me to work and learn in the same time. 

Besides that, I definitely hope that everything surrounding me will be getting better, my family, relationship, friendship etc. From 2012-2013, now what I'm looking forward most is the day where I can step in Singapore and going home!

Happy new year! Buon Anno! 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Brownie and Brownbie #3

I am going London this coming Saturday so was searching for clothings at Topman website as Topman and Topshop are from UK so they must be cheaper if buying there.
I was planning to get a jacket so I shared the website link to Brownbie asking her to give me some suggestions ( Lazy to browse through all the choices so give her the job HAHA )
So after awhile she gave me a reply like this

: D

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Do the 21 things normal people do not do

Came across this article online and find it quite meaningful so decided to share it here.
The Colloseum, Rome 

Many people want to get ahead. Yet, most sit back and critique those who are successful. They wonder how a few are able to excel where the majority struggle.


If you want to get ahead, there is not a shortcut or secret. However, one place to start is to do the things that successful people do. The things that other people don’t or won’t do.


Get Up Early – Not enough time in your day? Get up earlier. Starting your day before others do, empowers you to get more done while others are sleeping. You will soon find that you accomplish before the day begins than most people do all day.


★Prepare for Your Day – Head into your day prepared. Do your homework. Prepare for the events of your day whether it is school, your job, or even having fun.


★Exercise- Too many people say that they want to workout, but few do. Do some sort of physical activity each and every day. Keeping your body in shape, motivates your mind and productivity.


★Finish Ahead of Deadlines – It seems that our society had become numb to the concept of deadlines. However, to avoid lost opportunities, penalties, and other life friction, ensure that you finish ahead of deadlines whether for a simple task, a bill, or a major project.


★Have Goals – Successful people have goals. There has been a rising trend lately, to “not have goals.” All this ensures is that you won’t fail because you haven’t tried to attain anything. Instead of going wherever life takes you, set goals and choose your own path.


★Take Chances – No one ever won by sitting in their comfort zone. You have to get up and get out. You have to be willing to take risks… sometimes big, sometimes small. Only going outside our boundaries can we grow.


★Don’t Complain – Complaining is a waste of time. It is procrastination in disguise. Instead of whining about something, do something about it.


★Dream Big – Many people dream too small. Think big… then dream bigger! Push yourself to even higher levels than you thought possible. We are all stronger than we think.


★Have a Hobby – All work and no play doesn’t do the body or mind good. Have a hobby and let your passion breathe energy into all areas of your life. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it drives you.


★Learn New Things – Many stop learning the day they leave school. Successful people are lifelong learners. Never pass up the chance to learn a new fact or a new skill.


★Say No – The ability to “say no” is an important skill. Many think that winners always “say yes,” but in reality they are very choosy in their endeavors. They know when to pass up something that is not a priority.


★Defend Your Time – You can get more money. You can get a new job. (You can even get new friends.) However, you can never get more time. And you never truly know how much you have left. Defend your time, it is your greatest asset.


★Do it Today – You are your habits. And your habits are what you do today and every day. Don’t put off good intentions or actions until tomorrow.


★Help Others – Never underestimate the power of helping others. Life is often a team sport, and you never know when your teammates will be there to support you. Always be there for them.


★Make Decisions -Don’t be shy with decisions. Most people don’t make them, and life ultimately decides for them. Choose deliberately. Don’t fear the bad decision. You learn from them and there are few decisions in life where you can’t change your mind later.


★Learn From Your Mistakes – Take chances, make decisions… even make mistakes sometimes. Just ensure that you learn from them. Every mistake should lead to new wisdom. Don’t repeat lessons.


★Make Your Own Luck – Don’t wait for things to come to you. Go out and get them. The winners in life did not wait for things to be delivered to them. They made their own luck.


★Listen – Sometimes you need to stop and just listen. If you rush through life, you will miss the important things. What people are trying to tell you… both good and bad. And of course, listen even harder with friends and the ones you love.


★Change Yourself – Most people don’t change. They might grow older, grow bigger, but they often stay the same person. The most powerful people are those who can change themselves.


★Do The Work – There is no shortcut to success. You have to do the work. You have to do the practice. You have to spend the time on the things that you want to accomplish.


★Don’t Quit – A final word, never quit. Too many people quit just short, even in sight, of their dreams. Almost as if they don’t really want to get there. Winners keep going after the quitters have given up.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's about Italian #2


Spritz is a wine-based cocktail which you can find in northern part of Italy. The drink is prepared with Prosecco wine, a dash of some bitter liqueur such as Aperol, Campari, Select or Cynar. The glass is then topped with sparkling water. It is usually served over ice and garnished a slice of orange or lemon.

It is a wildly popular drink in Italy especially in Veneto area. So if you happen to come to Italy, make sure you order yourself a glass of Spritz. Its price ranging from 1,50Euro to 3Euro depending on the restaurant you dine in. Normally it is served with tit-bits like potato crisps or sandwiches.

Speaking of the taste, it tastes like typical cocktail, not too alcoholic (about 11%), and with some orange sourish. 
The bright orange colour is tempting enough and it is actually the first drink I had in Italy. 
My boss introduced it to us in our very first dinner together. 
Some of the menu in the restaurant doesn't include Spritz in it but they do serve Spritz. 
So order a glass of Spritz and drink like a local! :D

Monday, December 3, 2012

Brownie and Brownbie #2

It was Friday so I was asking Brownbie if she wanna Skype because we have not been Skype-ing for more than 10 days due to her internship. She said yes so I made her to sleep first as we only Skype at 2am her time.
So at 2.08am her time (she is expected to be late haha) we started our conversation.
The Skype with her is always relaxing despite her sleepiness at first. haha
So we were chatting happily and..

Brownbie : eh do you know Pei Fen?
Me          : (thinking....yea I know one Pei Fen who is from Taiping but no way she will know her) Pei Fen?
                  Which 1?
Brownbie : know the Singapore FM 933, one of the famous DJ called Pei Fen?
Me           : Ooooo.. heard of that. Why leh?
Brownbie  : My supervisor said I resemble her leh. And she is the second 1 who said that. haha
Me           : Oooo really? Haha. Who was the first 1?
Brownbie  : My secondary school friend lor.
Me            : Hmm how to write her name in Mandarin? Let me Google and see. hehe
Brownbie   : noh.. the very common Pei Fen characters which you can think of lor.
Me            : very COMMON?  ooo the 'pei' with the 'dan ren pang' and the 'fang' with the 'cao zi tou'?
Brownbie   : Yep!
Me            : (Googled 佩芬 FM933)
                    oooo..not bad la. you reasonably resemble her. haha

So now I know how Pei Fen looks like. Thanks to Brownbie! haha