Monday, October 10, 2011

When five fell..

Can the things we love,love us back just the same?

The story is being told from 5 things we don't normally pay attention to..

1. The glasses

The glasses represent sight. In a relationship,there are times when our one desire is to share with the other person.


The phone represents hearing. Relationships can't exist without listening and communication.


The umbrella represents touch. The very simple idea of being close enough to touch someone. Physical contact. To be able to hold,cover,protect.


The scarf represents smell. The intimacy of knowing someone's scent is very special. It may sound ridiculous,but who are the people you can identify with smell? Most likely those that you are very close with.


The cup represents taste. More specifically, the cup represents a kiss. And a kiss is the most universal symbol of love and affection. The fact that it describes a first kiss is even more significant. A first kiss is innocent and naive. We cherish it as though it will last forever. But when the cup is broken, the kiss is no longer possible– just like a relationship.

We delight in the promise of falling for love
We crumble in the dread of falling from love
Everyone falls. Everything falls.

I'm Sorry!

但伤害 已经造成
自责 也是于事无补

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


沉默 就是什么都不说
语言 则是一套共同采用的沟通媒介 一种人类交流, 保存及传递人类文明的方式

一个是噤若寒蝉 另一个是滔滔不绝
而 沉默 又怎能跟语言扯上关系呢?

试问外面那些不幸的哑巴 他们所用的手语,算不算是一种语言呢?还是它只能说是令一种沟通方式?

两个人沉默不语 一个眼神交流就能道尽一切
所以 沉默也是一种语言。